Support my startup business! Shoes and Sanitizer, Anyone?


I haven't been updating my blog in forever because I am so busy with uni. I am a student of SBM ITB and we have a lot to learn in this semester. This year me and my friends have just made a company. This company is actually a project from our school. ((bytheway im taking business n management)). In the following months of semester 5, we would be doing what they called as "Integrated Business Experience II" (because the first one had already done in this semester, which is now over, yeay). We are basically trained to run a company, and do business. Generate profits. Experience real world of being entrepreneurs. Sounds fun! YEAY IM EXCITED. Okay.

Our company is named

YAY! ((actually i made that logo....gorgeous right??)) 
and...I'm glad to say that we're selling now! :)
Our company makes profit by selling innovative products, which is the main rule in this project. So after a few discussions and considerations, we have decided to sell two products. I will explain each in the following:

1. Soigné

Soigné is anti-bacterial leather/denim shoes for men. We named it after "Soigné" to pursue elegance and perfection of the product. Not only created with hand-picked materials, Soigné also has hygienic purposes. The sole is featured with anti-bacterial agent and mad from charcoal bamboo, so it prevents you from smelling funky feet! 
Soigné represents high-fashion and those of you who wants to look different but still have that poised aura....check this guy out!

2. Scenté

Scenté is our next product. The name "Scenté", did it remind you of the word "scent"? That is right! Scenté is a product which is highly associated with scent and hygiene. Scenté is water-baser based sterilizer. 

But what is sterilizer? We named it "sterilizer" because it cleanses not only your hand, but also the entire body! Like your feet, or other body parts which needs some anti-bacterial agent.
It removes unpleasant odor, and also reduces itch and redness (bug bites, etc.). Overall, use it as your typical "hand spray-sanitizer", but no, it comes with so much more benefits! 

Scenté comes with adorable and slender packaging, imported straight from mainland of China! ;)
The packaging is compatible and stylish. Check this baby out!

You can always contact us!

Wait for more updates for these products (or Excella updates) on this blog! But you have to scroll through the archives though. It's better if you check out our website or social medias ;-) A follow won't hurt ;-)

Toodles! xx

ITS HOLIDAE *throws confetti*

hey no one!!!!!!!! ((this blog had been abandoned for yrs so))

ive just finished my 4th semester now. officially the holiday starts yesterday :-)
so here is the list of the things i plan to do on this holiday. especially when i am in jakarta....in 2 more days :-) hihi
1. I have to lose some FLABBY and zip up anywhere FLABBY
because bandung is really cold n breezy n its always good time to sleep. so ive gained weight n my cheeks r growing like it has its own metabolism....idek.

i really hate myself right now i feel so flabby n fat. and unhealthy. so.
i want to do some exercise in jakarta n lose some of those fat. (ew)

-sit ups
-push ups
-crunches (OOOH this one hurts like ASDG but yea i got flat tummy....once bcs of this routine)
-squats (HUHU)

and also eat right..........this one's hard lbr.

hopefully this plan sticks to the end. AMIN.

2. Make this blog more eye-catching.
im planning to create banner for this blog n add stuff here n there.....hihi
oh yea my ps and ai skills are better now
let's try this k.

3. Try to make more posts on this blog (and post pictures!!!)
hihi i saw my old post which contains rly cool pics n edits n i rly wanna do that again.....mudah2an aja sih.

Thats all. Hopefully the plan goes well. And i will have fun. Lots of fun!!!! hopefully.

Toodles! xx

its D-1 and im blogging

idek ive lost my motivation to ace uas :'(
this is the first time i feel like dropping it off
my grades

but ive studied tho.
just enough but not that /drill/ing sessions
i dont even do that many questions
only a few, maybe

today i even spent 30 mins going all the way up to dago, to campus, just to meet friends to study and make them explain these materials to me. but after like 1 hour later we went home.

im so lazy, ive never been this lazy since i was in the womb. idek i had always been eager to ace UAS/UTS. but now i dont know :((

what if i got AB or B for my UAS score.....thatll be dissapointing :/ but yea i saw it coming even now. i need motivations.

maybe im just tired :/
i want my vacation already


...um yeah hi


 um yea. so. hey. my blog. hows it goin without me for the past years? been good? right. uhm//// * clears throat* i was gonna update abt what happens in life, but um that must be awks bcs ive changed a lot these years. you know how long "2 years" sounds? its rly long. now were coming to 2013's end n yea 


OH WAIT.....my friend...she'll turn 20 before me so *raises eyebrows w smile* idk being 20 means a lot you know. like when i was still teen i would imagine being 20 = reading cosmopolitan while working in those cubicles wearing makeup all day long n them nametags n lookin professional. but now im..../discontinued/ 
okaay bye for now, because ill have exams on tue :((


Looking at the archives~

Its pretty sad huh?.....like nothing to post for 2 years in a row WOOHoOoOOOOO! and...i miss blogging :'( eventho nobody really cares abt whats going on in my everyday life, i could actually share it with you, YES, you my blog

Now im sitting here, as a senior of a senior high school, has passed 2 years with the same class, same 24 person. 1 is missing bcz she needs to go abroad :""( (hope youre doing well there girl :D) *actually were not that close, but nobodys gonna tell so yeah*


1. SWITCHED AT BIRTH GAAAAAHHHHHH (okay the gah is not the part of the title)theyre releasing NEW EPAH SOWDSSSSSSSS me freaking out SO BAD because i'd really love to see more Emmett and Bay moments AWWWWWW~ and i thought Daphne's the good girl, but later i found out that she's actually......not consistent with her choices. AND she really loves to use Emmett. SO me no likey. just a bit though. :D

2. MY BIRTHDAYYYYYY AY AY AY~ (which im not supposed to be happy with since im turning 18 EIGHTEEN FOR UNICORNS SAKE) whoa.

yep.thats all. well maybe on january 2012 our class will have a trip to Banjarmasin (WOOHOOO) or imma just go to Bandung. YEAH. like YU-ZU-EL.

anddd eventho i didnt update my blog FOH CENTAHRIZZZZZ i still doin polyvore <3 because now i know how to make sets more cute and just.....attractive by their new (actually its not that new NEW) features. Now in polyvore, you can remove or customize a picture. Anddd from my perspective, the pictures on polyvore are getting better because of a good source where everybodys clipping the items from : TUMBLR.

But i have no tumblr. ive heard that its addictive. WELL you tell me!


NOW that's an old school creation. HM wonder where my pen tablet would be now :/

I know its been a long time, my blog.
none of you would realize my existence here though

but still i put my patience in uploading my crap
its from the oh-so-old-and-forgotten hard drive from my old computer
yeah i'm using a laptop now, is that even matter?

Gempa Akibat Interaksi Lempeng Utama Dunia

Sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia dalam retang waktu yang terbilang singkat dilanda gempa bumi dengan kekuatan yang cukup besar. Selama bulan September 2009 saja, Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) mencatat setidaknya terjadi 30 kali gempa bumi di wilayah Indonesia dengan kekuatan di atas 5 SR. Beberapa yang terbesar di antaranya mengguncang Tasikmalaya (7,3 SR), Yogyakarta (6,8 SR), Tolitoli (6,0 SR), Nusa Dua (6,4 SR), dan Ternate (6,4 SR).

Badan Geologi Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral melaporkan, gempa bumi yang terjadi di wilayah Indonesia dalam beberapa bulan terakhir terjadi akibat dinamika pada lapisan bumi. Banyaknya gempa yang terjadi diakibatkan tataan geografi Indonesia yang berada dalam pertemuan sejumlah lempeng tektonik besar yang aktif bergerak dimana setiap pergerakan lempeng berpotensi mengakibatkan gempa bumi.

Tataan geologi wilayah Indonesia saat ini terjadi sebagai akibat interaksi 3 lempeng utama dunia, yaitu Lempeng Samudra Pasifik yang bergerak ke arah barat-baratlaut dengan kecepatan sekitar 10 cm per tahun, Lempeng Samudra India-Benua Australia (Indo-Australia) yang bergerak ke utara-timurlaut dengan kecepatan sekitar 7 cm per tahun, serta Lempeng Benua Eurasia yang relatif diam, namun resultante sistem kinematiknya menunjukkan gerakan ke arah baratdaya dengan kecepatan mencapai 13 cm per tahun.

Hasil interaksi lempeng-lempeng tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya berbagai peristiwa geologi, salah satunya kegiatan magmatik dan terbentuknya zona-zona kegempaan dengan intensitas tinggi. Selain dikarenakan pergerakan antar lempeng, terjadinya gempa juga berkaitan dengan keberadaan sesar aktif yang membentang di beberapa wilayah, di antaranya sesar Sumatera, sesar Palu, sesar di Papua, atau sesar yang lebih kecil seperti sesar Cimandiri, Jawa Barat.